Motor vehicle crashes, often referred to as accidents, are an everyday occurrence in this country. Make no mistake though, crashes almost always involve fault of a driver and less than 9% of crashes are due to mechanical failures. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports approximately six million crashes every year, approximately three million injuries and approximately 30,000-35,000 fatalities depending on the year. The data is compiled ONLY for Police reported crashes so the actual occurrences are higher. In the state of Florida between 2014 and 2016, there was an average of 371,000 crashes, which is just over 1000 crashes per day. There was an average of 241,000 injured occupants, and 2,870 deaths.
As a Chiropractic physician, Dr. Shawn Leatherman has been studying MVC trauma injuries for years and has completed multiple post doctorate certification courses with the below organizations. (Approximate hours of total coursework per organization)
Therefore, Dr. Leatherman is intimately aware of the most common crash injuries, understands the mechanism of injury, injury diagnosis and proper treatment. The Integrity Chiropractic office team has examined, diagnosed, and treated these patients along with their injuries on a weekly basis for the last 20 years. So what are 3 very important initial steps to take after you have been involved in a Motor Vehicle Crash?
Remain calm and stay inside of your vehicle until traffic around you has completely stopped and the site has had a few moments to calm down. It is often the case that other motorists may wind up having secondary crashes/impacts and you do not want to be outside of the vehicle if this happens. The only time Integrity Chiropractic would advocate immediately getting out of the vehicle after a crash, is if there is gas spilling out or if a fire has already started.
Concussions are also prevalent after an MVC. Dizziness, feeling dazed, tingling in the lips or face, blurred vision, disorientation and headaches are primary signs of a concussion, even if you do not blackout. Once you get your bearings it is also important to call the police and EMS if needed to document the crash and do an initial triage of injuries. Do not engage in blame or discussion with the other drivers about the crash. The police will handle those details. Always remember that your health and the health of your passengers is the most immediate concern.
Call your insurance company as soon as you can. It is imperative that you notify your insurance company representative that you have been involved in a crash so they can properly document the situation and so that a claim number can be generated. This will allow the process to get started for the repairs of your vehicle as well as medical costs to be properly handled according to your policy limits. In Florida we have required Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage.
FLORIDA REQUIRED BENEFITS.—An insurance policy complying with the security requirements of s. 627.733 must provide personal injury protection to the named insured, relatives residing in the same household, persons operating the insured motor vehicle, passengers in the motor vehicle, and other persons struck by the motor vehicle and suffering bodily injury while not an occupant of a self-propelled vehicle, subject to subsection (2) and paragraph (4)(e), to a limit of $10,000 in medical and disability benefits and $5,000 in death benefits resulting from bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle.
In addition to Florida mandatory PIP, there may also be (BI) Bodily Injury coverage, (UM) uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage, and (MED-PAY) additional injury coverage for what may NOT be covered under the PIP policy. I recommend all of my patients carry these additional coverages, as just a few hours inside the emergency department can deplete all of the required $10,000 in PIP coverage leaving you with no coverage for additional care that may be needed to heal.
Seek the care and evaluation of a qualified professional sooner than later. Specifically ask the doctor’s office about their MVC injury qualifications, certifications and specializations. Amazingly enough, the majority of medical doctors and chiropractors have absolutely NO training in these injuries and do not understand them. Moreover, in the state of Florida, Chiropractors are prohibited from their state board from actively publishing their advanced coursework credentials and certifications other than a simple listing on their website. The Florida state board only recognizes “300 hour diplomate certifications” of which there are none in MVC injury. For instance, Dr. Leatherman has completed over 600 hours of training in this field, but he cannot advertise his qualifications. Therefore, you must directly inquire about training and qualifications with any office you call.
Often crash occupants will not experience any pain for the first few days after a crash due to stress hormones, shock, or they will opine that their pain levels are mild or will get better on their own. Unfortunately, this is NOT the case, and MVC injuries can lead to chronic pain and permanent injuries if not addressed appropriately. It is also better to fully document what is going on after the crash when the memory of what happened is fresher and tissue healing factors have just started to maximize long term healing.
In the State of Florida you have only 14 days after the crash to seek care for any injury. If you are injured in a crash and do not have initial services and care provided to you within 14 days of the crash, you are barred from using your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Meaning if you are hit by a vehicle, believe you are ok, but then schedule a doctor appointment on the 15th day because your neck or back is hurting and it was the first day available, the doctor will not be able to bill your PIP insurer for the bill. No matter how badly you are hurt, you will be barred from the $10,000 in PIP coverage under your policy unless you are evaluated in the first 14 days.
For more general information on crash injury, injury management and treatment, chiropractic care, permanent injury determination, guidelines for care, PIP coverage, or additional questions, please feel free to call our front office at 850-864-5300. If questions are too specific for the front office, Dr. Leatherman can be scheduled for a phone consultation as well.
431 E Hollywood Blvd
Mary Esther, Florida 32569-2058
Business Hours
Monday 7:55 am - 12:00 pm + 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm
Tuesday 7:55 am - 9:00 am + 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 7:55 am - 12:00 pm + 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday 7:55 am - 9:00 am + 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday 7:55 am - 12:00 pm
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